The Edge Brownie Pan

Love brownies? So do we. (Who doesn’t, right?) We think the best ones have moist centers, a paper-thin crackly crust, and lots of chewy edges. If you agree, you’ll love the Edge Brownie Pan™.

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The Better Muffin Pan

Do you even know you need a better muffin pan? How about reduced spill zones, desginated handles (not sticking your oven mitts in your muffins!) and a pan so hearty it won't warp. It also makes the most evenly-cooked muffins and cupcakes you've ever had.

Buy Now on Amazon
  • Perfect Browines Everytime!!

    "I really enjoyed using this spectacular pan. My brownies turned out moist, yet had the edge that my family loves."

    - Baking Mama, November 2010

  • It's my favorite baking dish

    "This pan can do so much more than just brownies, so get creative and it won't let you down. This thing ROCKS."
    - Monica, June 2016

  • My Favorite Brownie pan and it will be yours too!

    "Absolutely LOVE it! Had it on my wishlist for a long time! Don't wait!

    - Phill, March 2022

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  • Got The Buzz

    The Edge Brownie Pan has received news and media coverage every month since its launch in 2004. Can you tell? We are super proud of this too.

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  • Built To Last

    Sledgehammer, meet Edge Pan! Super duper heavy aluminum, double-coated silicone nonstick. Over 15 million views and counting.

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  • US-Patented Design

    It's the only gourmet, zig-zag and sectioned brownie pan that adds two crispy, chewy and perfectly crunchy edges to every serving.

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